Monday, April 12, 2010

Salted Caramel Ice Cream

Since discovering Bi Rite Creamery in San Francisco, I have been obsessing about ice cream. We brought home a pint of their famous salted caramel ice cream and I was hooked! The the unique flavor is hard to describe. Rich and punchy, almost like a slightly burnt sugar. But of course, I have been plotting and planning on how to recreate that wonderful taste. I've searched online for different recipes and came across David Lebovitz's version, whose recipe has been posted on his fantastic blog. It was my first time making caramel and found it amazing to see sugar transform in the a nice, rich caramel....

and the finished product....

Ok, not the same as the one from Bi Rite, but still so fantastic! It was more rich and caramelly( if that's a word). Maybe it was the sugar i used. Maybe it was the Fleur De Sel. Anyway, I'm quite happy with the finished product! Going back to David Lebovitz for a moment. I have also been obsessing over his new book "Ready for Dessert"
I stumbled across at the bookstore last week. I went back this weekend to pick it up, but instead, I purchased his other book "The Sweet Life in Paris" and I have not been able to put it down since.

If you are a foodie, and plan to visit Paris someday, you must read this book! It definitely puts Parisian culture into perspective, which may have given me a different outlook when I went last year. He really answers the questions we Americans have about this completely foreign place, and why the Parisians act the way they act. Maybe one day we can go back and enjoy Paris in a different light. Even if you aren't planning to visit someday, read the book. It is hilarious!!