Saturday, January 16, 2010


Ok, I know it's been a while since I've made a post on this blog..... Partly because I've been busy, and lazy.... Mostly because I feel like no one is out there reading and I'm just some lunatic who talks to herself. Ok, I know there have been a few lovely friends on facebook who read because it updates on my wall. Thank you, and I really appreciate it. If you are out there.... please leave a comment ... In my blog... and let me know your listening, please? Ok, enough with the begging and groveling. Happy New Year everyone! New year, new commitments.. First,I will try to make more effort to keep this blog alive. Second, I will try to start an etsy site thus year. Yay! I'm sure I can keep one of those commitments, right? I have come accross a few people who had other people show interest in my knitwear. If only I had a place for them to send these interested people to.

I went to Imagiknit this week and picked ip some stuff... mmmm.... Malabrigo... Yummy! It's a start. I will definately start making some inventory soon... or as soon as I finish my Citron shawl. (Photo coming soon)
-- Posted from my iPhone

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